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Fluoride Varnish for Children under age 3 Now Available at Southern 7


Fluoride Varnish for Children under age 3 Now Available at Southern 7

Fluoride makes teeth stronger and helps prevent tooth decay. Unfortunately, many children in rural parts of the United States don’t get enough fluoride either from their water supply or due to lack of dental care. Southern 7 Health Department is helping to meet that need in the Southern 7 county region by offering fluoride varnish through its Bright Smiles program to children up to age 3.

According to the CDC, fluoride varnish (FV) re-mineralizes weakened tooth enamel and prevents almost 40 percent of cavities in primary teeth. In early 2022, the United States Preventive Services Task Force reported that fewer than 10% of children under age 6 in the US receive FV as recommended to help offset the lack of fluoride in their water.

FV contains a small amount of fluoride and has been approved by the FDA. Children are treated by applying a thin coating of resin to the tooth surface to protect it from and slow down decay or reverse the cavity formation. Experts recommend that all infants and children receive fluoride varnish starting when the first tooth erupts and every 3 to 6 months thereafter.

In addition to fluoride varnish, children should also drink tap water or bottled water that has added fluoride or is labeled “nursery” water. While all water treatment systems in the Southern 7 region provide fluorinated water to their customers, many families get their water from a private well or other non-commercial system. Check with your doctor or dentist to make sure you and your child are receiving the right amount of fluoride.

Children who qualify to receive fluoride varnish through Southern 7 include:

  • Those who live in a low income house hold, receive Medicaid or are uninsured, enrolled in WIC, or enrolled in Head Start.
  • Have special needs.
  • Have frequent feedings that include 3 or more between meal snacks or beverages containing sugar.
  • Are put to bed with a bottle or Sippy cup containing anything but water.
  • Have dry mouth.
  • Have a lot of medical interactions such as oral medication, inhalers, etc.
  • Have visible plaque, white spot lesions, or cavities.
  • Have a parent/caregiver with poor oral health.

For more information about fluoride varnish, or to schedule your child’s appoint with Southern 7 Health Department, call 618-634-2297.


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