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City of Metropolis: “Where Does the Money Go?”

City of Metropolis:  "Where Does the Money Go?"

(WMOK) Metropolis, IL – At WMOK, we often monitor community interests by following discussions on Facebook. By paying attention to these public conversations, we gain insights into potential issues and concerns that residents discuss. This helps us stay informed about matters that may have escaped our notice previously.

From time to time, we’ve noted questions from the community about the allocation of funds in the City of Metropolis. We have previously addressed this issue with Metropolis Mayor Don Canada on our Coffee Break Program.

When WMOK sat down with Mayor Canada for Coffee Break last week, we asked him to discuss the Metropolis City budget. Mayor Canada advised that the budget is running slightly behind schedule. Mayor Canada emphasized the importance of thoroughness. This attention to detail ensures a comprehensive and accurate budget.

Additionally, Mayor Canada shared insights into the city’s Five-Year plan, aimed at generating interest on funds to support upcoming infrastructure projects.

Regarding “where the money goes” in the city of Metropolis – Mayor Canada emphasized that one of the main concerns of a mayor is the health and safety of it’s residents above all else. He has taken proactive steps to address this, including promoting the fire chief to a key position, hiring additional police officers and firefighters, and investing in a new fire truck.

Furthermore, he highlighted the city’s existing security measures, noting the strategic installation of security cameras throughout Metropolis, which serve as a vital tool in maintaining public safety and deterring crime.

Mayor Canada also talked about the rate of inflation which affects city expenditures in the same way that it affects household expenditures. (see links for inflation rates at the bottom of this article).

Mayor Canada estimated that approximately $120,000 has been spent in the last year to remove abandoned properties from Metropolis. The topic of abandoned properties has also been a concern of citizens due to the issue of “squatters” and the like.

Mayor Canada also discussed with WMOK our cannabis industry and the funds that are received. Currently, Thrive operates in the city of Metropolis. Two more cannabis stores are currently under construction.

Mayor Canada regularly appears on the program on the 3rd Thursday of each month.



What is the current inflation rate


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