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Local Historian Bob Lingle – WMOK Full Coffee Break – July 3, 2024

Local Historian Bob Lingle - WMOK Full Coffee Break - July 3, 2024

WMOK spoke with local historian Bob Lingle for Coffee Break on July 3, 2024.

We discussed the following topics:

  • Just attended 60th reunion
  • Group class reunion
  • Old movies
  • The US and Christopher Columbus
  • The early years
  • The name “America”
  • Harlem
  • A country of migrants
  • Wars
  • British empire
  • Solitary neglect
  • Conservatives and liberals
  • Good ol days
  • Freedom of religion
  • Church of England
  • Pilgrims
  • 3 most influential people
  • Taxes and laws
  • Tea Tax
  • Boston Tea Party
  • Boston Massacre
  • John Adams
  • The Munsters
  • Colonies getting together
  • Declaration of Independence
  • The shot heard around the world
  • Why we celebrate the 4th of July
  • Anit-Boredom month

Hear our full Coffee Break with local historian Bob Lingle below:


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