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Tuesday’s General Primary in Massac County – Massac County Voters Vote “No” on proposal from Massac County Fire Protection District


Tuesday's General Primary in Massac County - Massac County Voters Vote "No" on proposal from Massac County Fire Protection District

Tuesday’s General Primary in Massac County –

Massac County Voters Vote “No” on proposal from Massac County Fire Protection District

(WMOK) Metropolis, IL -The Massac County General primary election took place yesterday in Massac County.

For Representative on the Republican ticket for representative in the General Assembly 117th representative district, Patrick Windhorst with 1483 votes and 115 undervotes

Circuit Clerk Marcus S Grace with 1,412 votes and 186 undervotes

State’s Attorney Republican party Joshua A Stratmeyer 1400 volts with 198 undervotes

For coroner Republican Party Michael T Hillebrand with 1,384 votes and 214 undervotes

Supervisor of Assessment Republican party Gary Hamm with 1196 votes and 402 undervotes

Jeff Brugger for County commissioner Republican party $1,334 votes with 264 undervotes

Precinct committee person in the Atkins precinct Republican party Jeremy Holly with 166 votes and 13 undervotes

Precinct committee person Benton for the Republican party Raymond Walker with 96 votes and 15 undervotes – no candidate on the Republican ballot in the East Brooklyn precinct also Franklin George’s Creek Grant and Hillerman.

Committee person in the Atkins precinct Republican party Roger R. Giltner senior with 56 votes and 15 undervotes

Committee person in Jefferson precinct Kent Miles with 164 votes and 18 undervotes

Committee person on the Republican party in Lincoln, Logan, Metropolis 1, Metropolis 2, Metropolis 3 and Metropolis 4  – no candidates precinct committee person

For the Washington precinct on the Republican party ticket Jeff Brugger with 138 votes and 34 undervotes and no candidates in the West Brooklyn precinct

On the Democratic party ticket – no candidate in the General Assembly 117th Representative district

For the Democratic party – no candidates for circuit clerk or state’s attorney

In the Democratic party for corner Richard Webb on the Democratic ticket with 261 votes and 57 undervotes

No candidate for Supervisor of Assessments on the Democratic party

for County commissioner on the Democratic ticket Scotty G Martin with 276 votes and 42 undervotes

Regarding precincts for the Democratic ticket – no candidate in Adkins or Franklin. Also George’s Creek with no candidate,  Grant, Hillerman,  Jackson and Jefferson with no candidate.

For Lincoln precinct Aaron Clark with 18 votes and four undervotes.

There were no candidates for Logan precinct, Metropolis 1, Metropolis 2 or Metropolis 3 for precinct committee person

Metropolis 4 –  Democratic party William Holt with seven votes and three undervotes.

In committee persons for Washington precinct and Brooklyn – there were no candidates

In the Constitution party Tim Pearcy runs for County commissioner with one vote and 3 undervotes – Tim Pearcy also runs in the George’s Creek precinct on the Constitution Party ticket

Regarding the Massac County Fire Protection District –  this was non-partisan.

Yes votes to accept that fire tax proposition 552 and no votes 652.  That proposition for the slight increase in fire tax is denied with a vote 53.77% to 46.23%.

Our voter turnout yesterday was 18.37%, that’s percent.  That’s 1,949 voters voting yesterday, by mail and in person before the election of a total of 10,600 registered voters in Massac County.


WMOK Livestream of Returns at the Massac County Courthouse:

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