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Unity Elementary – Parents Night Out Happening On December 8


Unity Elementary School will have Parents Night Out -Friday, December 8th from 5:00-8:00! The flyer went home last week, but they wanted to remind you to take advantage of this night out. Drop your kiddos off at 5:00 and pick them up at 8:00.


You can go Christmas shop, out to dinner, maybe a movie…or take a nap! The students will have their pictures made with Santa Clause, decorate Christmas cookies, eat pizza and then settle down and watch The Polar Express!


They are encouraged to wear their PJ’s, and bring blankets and pillows for the movie.


The cost is $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child. This cost includes pizza and a drink for dinner and a picture with Santa, if they wish. The concession stand will also be open to purchase additional popcorn, drinks and candy.


They will off free hot chocolate while they watch the movie.


They have sent home an RSVP to this event so that they will know how many to prepare for. Please complete the form with payment and send it back to school.



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