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Summer Alcohol Safety Heat, Humidity, and Alcohol Can Be a Dangerous Mix


The ILCC Warns About the Dangers of Drinking Outdoors on Hot Summer Days
The Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC) would like to remind those drinking outdoors this summer to stay safe by avoiding risks associated with consuming alcohol in hot weather. Outdoor festivals and activities are in full swing across the state, and in Illinois, July and August are the hottest months of the year. During these summer months, alcohol consumption often increases while enjoying outdoor activities, such as barbecues, beach days, camping, festivals, fairs, and other popular summer activities where people may be outside in the heat for extended periods of time. Spending even a short amount of time outdoors in excessive heat can be dangerous by itself, but when alcohol is added to the mix, the health risks are even greater.
Hot, humid summer days cause fluid loss through sweat, and alcohol consumption causes fluid loss through frequent urination; together, these can be a deadly combination and can quickly dehydrate even the healthiest individual.
It is difficult to regulate body temperature in the sun and hot weather, which can lead to overheating and heat-related illnesses. Dehydration, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion can happen quickly, and can affect even the healthiest individuals. According to the National Weather Service, anyone who starts to feel dizzy, lightheaded, or sick should get out of the sun and find a cooler environment to rest and drink water; seek medical attention immediately if a person vomits more than once or if symptoms worsen or last longer than one hour.
“We want to encourage everyone enjoying outdoor summer activities to be mindful of the heat,” said Illinois Liquor Control Commission Executive Director Lisa Gardner. “As always, we want merrymakers to have fun but be safe, as extreme heat plus alcohol can be a dangerous cocktail.
Remember these tips when drinking outdoors in hot temperatures:
  • Drink lots of water;
  • Take breaks from the sun indoors or in the shade;
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat or visor; and
  • Limit time in the midday sun; according to the EPA, the sun’s rays are the hottest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
For information on cooling centers across the state, visit: The ILCC urges everyone drinking in hot temperatures to stay cool, and always drink responsibly.
About the Illinois Liquor Control Commission
The Illinois Liquor Control Commission’s mission is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Illinois through careful control and regulation of the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic liquors and through the development of strategies to reduce youth access to alcohol products and the provision of training and education on responsible beverage service.
To learn more about the ILCC and its divisions, visit To submit a tip or complaint to the ILCC’s Enforcement Division, click here.
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