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An arrest has been made in a Saturday night shooting in Metropolis


59 year old Anita C Prater of Metropolis was taken into custody on Thursday morning in Kentucky following her release from the hospital due to an overdose as Saturday’s events unfolded.  She has now been extradited and is lodged in the Massac County Detention Center.

A Massac County judge has set the bond at one million dollars and Massac County State’s Attorney Josh Stratemeyer authorized charges of Aggravated Battery with a firearm, Aggravated Reckless discharge of a firearm and unlawful restraint.

Metropolis Police Detectives advised that the investigation revealed that the victim stated that he had gone to the residence to purchase a play station at approximately 9:00 pm on Saturday evening at which time he was held against his will and until he was able to get out of the residence around 11:00 pm.

As he attempted to exit the location – Prater allegedly shot him using a shotgun.

The victim from Wickliffe, KY sustained injuries to his upper arm as well as his face from the buckshot. He was initially taken to Massac Memorial Hospital by a good samaritan who happened to pass through the area on the way to Sonic on Saturday.

The victim was then flown to a hospital in Nashville, TN.

The offender retreated into the residence.  Around 8am on Sunday morning entry was made and the offender was found to be suffering a drug overdose.  She was hospitalized until Thursday morning when she was released upon her arrest.

WMOK began covering the story on Sunday morning – the Massac County Sheriff’s Department arrived quickly at the scene and assisted the Metropolis Police Department in securing the scene and parameter while awaiting the Illinois State Police District 22, Illinois State Police SWAT and a negotiator.

Metropolis Police Chief Harry Masse joined WMOK on Wednesday morning for his regularly scheduled Coffee Break.  Hear our discussion regarding Saturday’s incident below.

The Good Samaritan, Gage Hornback was on his way to Sonic on Saturday evening when he saw a commotion ahead during which a truck drove through a yard.  He slowed his own vehicle in an attempt to navigate the situation at which time the victim approached his vehicle covered in blood and advised that he had just been shot.  The victim told Hornback he needed to get to the hospital and he needed to contact his wife.

Hornback instructed the man to get in the vehicle and with flashers on rushed the victim to the hospital.

Hornback told WMOK that it was a very intense situation as the man was begging him not to let him die and telling him things to tell his wife and family in case he didn’t make it.

Hornback got the victim to the Massac County Emergency Room where the staff began to care for the victim.

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