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80 New Confirmed Covid-19 Cases in Massac County for 9/4/21 thru 9/10/21


In updating our Massac County Covid-19 numbers for last week –


All Southern Seven Counties continue to remain at Orange Warning Level regarding Covid-19 risk metrics.


Massac County has a total of 96 confirmed active cases.


The Southern Seven Health Department advised on Covid-19 Breakthrough cases on Friday Afternoon.  There were 48 breakthrough cases reported between the dates of 9/3/21 and 9/9/21.  There were 294 total confirmed cases during that time period and 84% of the new confirmed cases were among unvaccinated individuals.  A total of .2% of vaccinated individuals have experienced a breakthrough case.



The Southern Seven Health Department reported a total of 80 new confirmed cases in Massac County for the dates of 9/4/21 thru 9/10/21. Eight were under the age of ten, fifteen were in their teens, ten in their twenties, seven in their thirties, eight in their forties, six in their fifties, eleven in their sixties, five in their seventies and ten in their eighties.


Over 42,000 doses have been administered in the Southern Seven region since the vaccine first arrived in December of 2020.  Individuals may still schedule an appointment for the Covid-19 vaccine by calling 618-634-2297.


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